Saturday, August 5, 2017

How To Be Inspired By Other Bloggers, Including the One With The Highest Ranking

Yes it is the stuff of legends. The Huffington Post launched more than a decade ago by Arriana Huffington, is the number one money earning blog online. Today it is valued at more than $1 billon. [Yes, that is billion with a "B".] Who would have guessed that a blog providing one more very liberal view on life and politics would reach the apex of the entire field of blogs. In 2011 she sold it to AOL for $315 million and retained her position as editor.

Although she has since stepped down from her position, AOL and its parent company Verizon Communications, still benefit from her name attached to the property. What does that tell you? Well, for starters, a blonde, liberal female can succeed on the Internet, the medium that was once considered a man's technical venue. It also tells you that the management of AOL made a pretty good investment when you do the math. They leveraged a $315 million investment into a property that is now worth an estimated $1 billion. It also tells you that when Verizon purchased AOL, it knew a thing or two about the importance of web content. Verizon Communications is today a company worth more than $198 billion.

So, a 12-year-old blog became a big part of Internet history by doing what? Providing relevant content that built a loyal following.

If you need help with blog content, contact Anderson and Company.

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