Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I just read that Alex Bogusky is auctioning the services of Crispin Porter & Bogusky interns on ebay. Not that the agency was looking for a public relations angle, but this is an example of how doing something in a different way has news potential that can lead to press coverage.

The news certainly has the potential to generate good PR for the agency since it is being done to help their interns earn more than just the minimum wage that they are paid by the agency.

It also points to the usefulness of ebay to sell services in this instance, a campaign by created by their interns, and not just products.

As a result of this news, I'm guessing that I probably won't be the only person who does a little ebay surfing out of curiosity to find out what types of business services are for sale.

It isn't that offering business services on ebay is a new-new thing, but rather that it is probably not the first place that peole would look.

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