Monday, February 20, 2017

Have a Dot Biz? Three Reasons Why Blogging Should Become a Key Part of Your Business.

If you have an e-commerce site only blogging needs to be a key part of your business. The number one reason is for the traffic that it can bring to your website. Not only do your customers like fresh content, search engines love it, particularly Google! What is the easiest way to get fresh content out quickly? A blog.

Ideally, you will aim for creating two or three new blog posts each week. This is frequent enough to encourage your customers/readers to check back which increases your traffic stats and provides you with the opportunity to inform or soft sell to your niche market.

Second reason: Fresh blogs help you expand your market. Not only do the search engines prefer fresh content, your when people use search engines for what is known as organic search, they are often simply entering terms related to products and services that they have an immediate need for or have an interest in. Even if people don't know the name of your company or your products, with consistent blogging you are populating the web with information that could be just what they are trying to find.

Third reason:the bond that fresh content can build with your current customers and the new customers that your blog content can bring to your business. Whether you have a B to B business or a consumer focused business word of mouth is still the best way to grow it and new info is the best way to fuel that word of mouth marketing. If you like most businesses you're not going to revamp the basics of your website all that often, but you can always feed some new information through your blog.